Chrysocolla - knowledge base, jewelry
Properties of Chrysocolla, physiological effects, zodiac signs and Chrysocolla jewelry.

Chrysocolla is a water-containing copper silicate, usually found in association with malachite and azurite. Its name comes from the ancient Greek words "chrysos" and "kolla", (meaning gold and glue), suggesting that it was used to solder gold in ancient Greece.
Chemical and physical properties of chrysocolla:
Cu2–xAlx{H2–xSi2O5)(OH)4•nH2O (x<1)
Crystal system:
phyllosilicate mineral mineraloid
blue, blue-green, green, blackish, brown and rarely yellow
white – blue-green
translucent- opaque
Mohs scale hardeness:
2,5 – 3,5
Specific gravity:
1,93 – 2,4 g/cm³
Major metaphysical healing properties attributed to chrysocolla:
For thyroid function, reducing inflammation, strengthening the liver, antispasmodic, reducing fever, lowering blood pressure, reducing infections, throat, tonsil problems, mood swings, stress, maintaining inner balance.
Zodiacs associated with chrysocolla gemstones:
Chrysocolla is the gemstone of the zodiac sign of Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Cancer and Aquarius.
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The origin of chrysocolla
Chrysocolla is a mineral of secondary origin, formed in oxidation zones of copper ore bodies. Associated minerals are azurite, quartz, cuprite, limonite, malachite and other secondary copper minerals.
Use of chrysocolla
Chrysocolla is a beautiful blue or blue-green colour, similar to turquoise, and more common than turquoise, which is why its use as ornaments and carvings has been popular since antiquity. It is often used in jewellery workshops to decorate gold and silver jewellery instead of turquoise, except for the dark blue ones, which are usually much softer and therefore not suitable for this purpose.
Occurence of chrysocolla
It is found in countless places around the world.