Carnelian - knowledge base, jewelry
Properties of carnelian physiological effects, zodiac signs and carnelian jewelry.

Carnelian is an orange-red and mostly translucent variety of chalcedony.
The different shades of colour are caused by iron oxide.
Staining can be used to hide or at least fade the streaking.
The name carnelian is presumably derived from the Latin word for cherry, based on its colour. Most carnelian sold today is actually a dyed and then heat-treated agate. Natural carnelian can be identified by the fact that it shows a cloudy colour distribution when translucent, whereas painted agate shows bands. Carnelian was one of the most precious stones in ancient times, and the ancient Greeks considered it a symbol of the returning sun because of its colour.
Chemical and physical properties of carnelian:
SiO2 silicon dioxide
Crystal system:
quartz- chalcedony
from orange-red to brownish red
low translucent, opaque
Mohs scale hardeness:
6,5 – 7,0
Specific gravity:
2,58 – 2,64 g/cm³
Major metaphysical healing properties attributed to carnelian:
It stimulates the metabolism, has beneficial effects on the nervous system, female reproductive organs and increases fertility, reduces the symptoms of arthritis, has an anti-hemorrhagic effect, stimulates the kidneys and speeds up wound healing, is beneficial against depression, is an energizing stone.
Zodiacs associated with carnelian gemstones:
Carnelian is the gemstone of the zodiac sign of Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio.
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Use of carnelian
As carnelian is a fairly hard gemstone, it is a favourite stone for jewellers. It is the gemstone of silver earrings, rings and also used to make art objects. Famous jewellery made with Carnelian gemstones: the Etruscan signet ring, the Phoenician seal ring, the Carnelian signet ring of Ramses II.
Occurence of carnelian
India, Brazil and Uruguay.