Sapphire - knowledge base, jewelry
Properties of sapphire, physiological effects, zodiac signs and sapphire jewelry.

A first- class gemastone, the crystal of the noble corundum rhombohedron of blue color.
Of course there are many other colors of sapphires. It is the hardest mineral after the diamond. It1S deposits are mainly in river sand in Ceylon, Burma, Siam and the Urals. The sapphire when polished spherically, it shows sparkling stars in the incident light. They are alsoe made artifically. It becomes colorless with strong heating.
Chemical and physical properties of sapphire:
Al2O3 aluminium - oxide
Crystal system:
trigonal, six- sided prism, rhombohedron
blue, green, orange, pink, colorless, yellow
low translucent, opaque
conchoidal, splintery
Mohs scale hardeness:
Specific gravity:
3,97 – 4,05 g/cm³
Major metaphysical healing properties attributed to sapphire:
It helps the proper functioning of the nervous system, heals the thyroid gland, is beneficial for throat problems, eyes, strengthens blood vessels, reduces pain, activates the ability to self-heal, reduces depression, helps self-expression.
Zodiacs associated with sapphire gemstones:
Sapphire is the gemstone of the zodiac sign of Aquarius, Pisces and Virgo.
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Versions of the sapphire:
- Oriental sapphire,
- Star sapphire,
- Opalescent sapphire,
- Cat’s eye sapphire,
- Indigo sapphire,
- No- sapphire,
- Watery sapphire,
- Greenish blue sapphire.
Grinding the sapphire
Sapphire grinding has the same characteristics as ruby grinding. In Sri Lanka, so-called Ceylon grinding is used, which means grinding the lower part of sapphire gemstones in stages. This will make the color of the lighter sapphire stones more vivid. This form of grinding is also used in Europe, only in a much finer way.
Occurrence of sapphire
Thailand, Sri Lanka, State of Montana
You can read more in the Corundum chapter!