Emerald - knowledge base, jewelry
Properties of emerald, physiological effects, zodiac signs and emerald jewelry.

Emerald is a green gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl.
Emeralds are classified as secondary gemstones. The green color of emeralds is caused by chromium, the emerald loses color when heated. Nowadays, it’s value is declining. If there is a lot of cracking on it, it’s called mossy emerald. Flawless stones are very rare.
Chemical and physical properties of emerald:
Be3Al2(SiO3)6 beryllium aluminium silicate
opaque- transparent
uneven, ridge, conchoidal
Mohs scale hardeness:
7,5 – 8,0
Specific gravity:
2,68 – 2,74 g/cm³
Major metaphysical healing properties attributed to emerald:
It cures heart problems, cavities, lungs. Relieves rheumatism, protects against infections. Strengthens the spine, eyes, muscles. It detoxifies the liver, strengthens relationships, helps clairvoyance, protects against evil spells.
Zodiacs associated with emerald gemstones:
Emerald is the gemstone of the zodiac sign of Taurus and Sagittarius.
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The history of the emerald
It was the most beloved gem in ancient times. It was also found in the sarcophagi of Egyptian mummies, as well as in Pompeii and Herculaneum. In the Middle Ages, many kinds of superstition were believed about it, it was a stone of divination and hope.
Mining of emeralds
The XVI. century Peruvian emerald mines were discovered where this gemstone can no longer be found; several famous Peruvian emerald ornaments can be seen in the Imperial Treasury of Vienna.
Currently, most emeralds are found in Colombia’s limestone quarries. The main emerald mining areas in Columbia are Muzo, Coscuez and Chivor.
It occurs in mica in the Ural Mountains and, in the Alps to a lesser extent.
Famous emeralds
Emerald of Saint Louis: 51.60 carats, Austria, Habachtal
Duke of Devonshire Emerald: 858 carats, Columbia 1967.
Counterfeiting of emeralds
It is counterfeited with green tourmaline, green fluorite, apatite, malachite and glass. Its historic glass forgeries are the giant emerald of the Reichenau convent and the Il Sacro Catino, the Holy Bowl.
Some fake and synthetic emeralds:
- brazilian emerald: green tourmaline
- oriental emerald: green corundum
- evening emerald: olivine
- fake emerald: green fluorite
- psmaragdfluss: fluorite
- lithium- emerald: hiddenit
- copper- emerald: diopter
- cap- emerald: prehnite