Dolomite - knowledge base, jewelry
Properties of dolomite physiological effects, zodiac signs and dolomite jewelry.
Dolomite is a rock that is more than 90% dolomite mineral.
Mineral dolomite crystallizes in a trigonal-rhombohedral system. Dolomite crystals also occur in deep-sea sediments, in which case their organic matter content is high. There are glass-gloss and pearlescent dolomites. Dolomite belongs to the group of carbonates. When sanded, stepped sanding forms are used.
Chemical and physical properties of dolomite:
CaMg(CO3)2 calcium magnesium carbonate
Crystal system:
colorless, white, rose, yellow
Mohs scale hardeness:
3,5 – 4,0
Specific gravity:
2,8 – 2,95 g/cm³
Major metaphysical healing properties attributed to dolomite:
In the case of analgesic, antispasmodic, fungal infections, it helps the regeneration of the gastric mucosa, contributes to the metabolism of calcium and magnesium, and strengthens the heart muscle.
Use of dolomite
They are not usually processed because they are soft and have excellent cleavage, so they are used more as a decorative element. Dolomite powder is used for scrubbing (Hyperdol, Superdol) and for scouring roads. Dolomite powder is also used in horticulture to reduce the acidity of the soil.
Occurence of dolomite
Italy, Germany, Switzerland, USA.