Dioptase - knowledge base, jewelry
Properties of dioptase, physiological effects, zodiac signs and dioptase jewelry.

Dioptase got its name from its crystal structure (Greek word meaning review).
Beautiful shade of emerald green and bluish. It is a bright fire, which, however, does not appear due to its strong color. Because of its fantastic color, it has been treated as a gem since ancient times and was also believed to have a healing effect. Dioptase is a stone of wealth. Due to the color of the diopter, it can be confused with emerald.
Chemical and physical properties of dioptase:
Cu6(Si6O18) - 6H2O copper cyclosilicate
Crystal system:
blue, green
transparent, translucent
conchoidal ridge
Mohs scale hardeness:
Specific gravity:
3,28 – 3,35 g/cm³
Major metaphysical healing properties attributed to dioptase:
Antihypertensive, helps to relieve migraine headaches, treats heart and lung problems, balance disorders, liver regenerating effect, analgesic, antispasmodic, effective in the treatment of cataracts, increases sexual potential, heals deep emotional injuries, gives confidence.
Use of dioptase
Collectors like it because of its color, but jewelry is rarely processed because it is soft to wear, otherwise it is too brittle.
Popular forms of grinding are brilliant and cabochon.
Habitat of dioptase
Namibia, Zaire, USA, Chile, Russia.