Customer reviews on our website are submitted by real consumers who have bought and used the product.
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Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Kedves Mónika! Elnézést a késői válaszért! Az Ön megrendelésében 2 db díszdoboz szerepelt és azokat el is küldtük a csomagban. 1 karkötőköz viszont nem kért díszdobozt ezért azt nem is küldtünk el.
Mivel új jogszabály szerintt a kiküldött díszdobozok után külön termékdíjat kell fizessünk, és a legtöbb esetben a vásárlóinknak egyébként sincs rá szüksége, ezért úgy oldottuk meg, hogy ha igényli, akkor továbbra is ingyen küldjük, de a kosárba kell helyezni, hogy ne küldjük el feleslegesen abban az esetben ha nincs rá szüksége.
Ügyfélszolgálatunk kereste telefonon is, de sikertelenül.
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Kedves Dóra! Sajnáljuk, hogy nem találta megfelelőnek az ékszer minőségét. Nem tudjuk, hogy mi apalján mond egy tökéletes minőségű ékszerről ilyen negatív véleményt, holott nálunk egyedülállóan valóban 316L orvosi acél az alapanyag, ellentétben akár a legtöbb, közismert márka ékszereivel, és még a18K feletti aranybevonat is dupla vastagságú, mint a megszokott, így fokozottan kopásálló. Ilyen minőségű ékszert biztosan nem vesz a nyugatinál (nemhogy 1500 Ft-ért, de még ennyiért sem, mert nincs). A lánc vastagságról pedig csak annyit fűznénk hozzá, hogy egyértelműen közöljük a leírásban, a jellemzőknél és még a képen is, hogy 2 mm. Ha Ön a 2 mm-t vastagabbnak képzeli mint amennyi az a valóságban, arról sajnos mi nem tehetünk. Ennél több és átláthatóbb információt nem tudunk közzé tenni!
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Illetve én örülnék, ha lennének kisebb méretű medálok és fülbevalók ( minimál stílusban), változatosabb gyűrűk.
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Mivel eljegyzési gyűrűként rendeltük, így annyi a változás, hogy a középső ujjunkon viseljük, nem a gyűrűsön.
Akik látták, mindenkinek nagyon tetszett és nem gondolták volna, hogy ezek nem aranyból készült ékszerek.
Köszönjük szépen! Csodásak 😍
Kedves Mónika!
Először is engedje meg, hogy gratuláljunk az eljegyzéséhez!
Sajnáljuk, hogy nem lett megfelelő a méret és így, hogy gravírozott, valóban nem tudjuk cserélni, viszont ha ugyanezt a tételt újból megrendeli a megfelelő méretekkel, ugyanúgy gravírozva, 50% kedvezményt adunk rá.
Ha ez így elfogadható és szeretne élni a lehetőséggel, vegye fel a kapcsolatot ügyfélszolgálatunkkal!
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Csak ajánlani tudom!
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Kedves Andrea! A webshopban egyértelműen megmutatjuk, hogy miként kell például egy ilyen összeállítást megrendelni.
Amikor a karkötővel, bokalánccal párosítva rendeli meg a charmot, akkor összeszerelve küldjük. Ha külön rendeli meg őket, ahogy Ön tette, akkor azt külön termékként kezeljük. Nézze meg még egyszer az oldalon, hogy ha kiválaszt egy bármilyen bokaláncot például, talál a "kosárba" gomb felett egy "Szeretnék hozzá charmot" gombot, ahol ki tudja választani és előnézeti képen is meg tudja tekinteni az összeállítást.
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Kedves László! 8mm vastag láncokat ritkán használnak medálhoz, mivel a medálok füle nem olyan óriási, hogy átférjen rajta. Ha Önnek mégis ez tetszik, akkor valóban csak a kapocsra tudja kapcsolni. A medáloknál van külön lánc választási lehetőség, ahol csak azok a láncok jelennek meg a listában, amelyek alkalmasak a medálfülön való átfűzésre. Amennyiben cserélni szeretné más lánc típusra, vegye fel a kapcsolatot ügyfélszolgálatunkkal és segíteni fognak a cserében!
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?: