Customer reviews on our website are submitted by real consumers who have bought and used the product.
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Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Ezúton is nagyon köszönöm!
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Legutóbbi megrendelésnél homokszem került a gépezetbe.
Mint kiderült,én hibáztam.
Kértem a Kft. segítségét,rugalmas hozzáállását,ami elutasításra került.
A döntést elfogadom,de visszatérő vásárlóként nem esett jól.
Számomra nem volt egyértelmű,hogy az ingyenesen járó ajándék dobozt be kell jelölnöm a megrendelésnél. Most már tudom,hibáztam. Írtam a címére és kértem,kivételesen nézzék el nekem és küldjenek részemre egy ajándék dobozt, mivel a bokalánc meglepetés lesz. Kérésem elutasításra került,hogy ez a cégnek többletkiadást jelentene. A döntést elfogadom,de ezzel együtt csalódott vagyok. Egy kis rugalmasság jólesett volna ( visszatérő megrendelő vagyok!).
Kedves Vályi Zoltánné!
Nagyon sajnáljuk a kellemetlen tapasztalatot, de egy dolgot azért értsen meg kérjük: Nem szeretnék részletes gazdasági számítást itt szemléltetni, de röviden, miután levonja a megrendelésében a kedvezményeket, akciót, valamint a szállítási költséget, ami valójában nem annyi, mint amennyit Ön fizetett (1190 Ft), hanem közel 2000 Ft, amit mi fizetünk a futár cégnek, az ékszerk bekerülési árát és ráadásul a rendkívül nagy, 27% áfát, akkor meglátja, hogy elég kicsi a megmaradt összeg. Ha ezek után még egy dobozt elküldünk ingyen, tehát mi fizetnénk a szállítási költségét (a doboz természetesen továbbra is ingyen lenne), akkor ingyen dolgoztunk volna.
Köszönjük a megértését és reméljük, hogy nem veszíti el a bizalmát cégünkben!
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Sokkal jobb lett mint amire számítottam
Maximálisan elégedett vagyok.
Csak ajánlani tudom
Köszönöm szèpen 😇🙏
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?:
Quality of the jewelry (finishing, comfort):
Customer service staff helpfulness:
Speed of delivery, courier's attitude:
Webshop usability, transparency, customer experience:
What are the chances that you will return to us?: