General characteristics of the sign SCORPIO

People born under the sign of Scorpio are people of extremes. Whimsical, passionate and unknowable. They are energetic, strong-willed and emotionally motivated. Because of their extreme feelings, they can hate as much as they can love. God save anyone from the wrath of a Scorpio. They fight hard for justice. They have good stamina and endurance. They cannot tolerate weakness, yet they are willing to help others. They are easily hurt, they do not forget their grievances. They strive for perfection in everything. Love is not experienced as an adventure, but in great depths. They are also persistent in love, but they can be very jealous and vindictive, and can take advantage of other people's weaknesses without blinking. When harmed, they often become aggressive. They speak their minds directly, regardless of the feelings of others. They have a restless nature, as if a constant inner tension burns within them. They need the tension, from which they gain energy and strength to achieve their goals. They will use any means necessary to achieve their goals. Their critical faculties are well developed, but they often hurt others. They like to see things in depth and have a strong intuitive ability. They are attracted to the mystical. They go through several transformations in their lives. They want to create a secure family background, but they also want to change the world all the time. It tries to dominate the people they care about, so they are met with rejection until they realise that they themselves must change if they are to influence others. The Scorpio man has a reputation as a fantastic lover. You need a partner who is a parent. The Scorpio woman can have a mysterious aura. Sexuality is often used as a means of exercising power.
The destructive Scorpio seeks to gain power and manipulate others. Overly jealous, prone to fanaticism. They get into difficult situations through their own fault. It lacks the capacity to acquire self-awareness.
The critical points of Scorpio health are the genitals, the rectum and the cervical vertebrae. They are prone to illnesses caused by their own internal tension. Digestive disorders may occur.